Bryony Gillard (b. Penzance, 1984) describes her practice, situated between writing, performance, video and exhibition making, as drawing on the notion of ‘constant revision’ – “states of being in which structures or ideas can be subverted, dissolved or questioned”. Often investigating marginalized Herstories and practices, her work reflects upon events, approaches and ideas that refuse to be pinned down or categorized, creating a space for genealogies of Feminist practice that are allusive, messy and entangled in contemporary concerns. Her new video-work, A cap like water, fluid yet with definite body, takes the work of female modernist poet, H.D., as a starting point to explore relationships between landscape, women’s writing, jellyfish and subjective experience. In 1919, following a period of severe trauma, H.D. withdrew to the Isles of Scilly, where she had what she referred to as her “jelly fish experience” - an awakening or transformation, a coming together of erotic body and mind, rational and irrational thought.
National Marine Aquarium Opened in May 1998, with the charitable aims of research, education and conservation, NMA is the largest aquarium in the UK, driving marine conservation through engagement. Built on reclaimed land in Sutton Harbour, next to the barbican and Plymouth’s historic fish market, the Aquarium is divided into four main zones: Plymouth Sound, British Coasts, Atlantic Ocean and Blue Planet. A visit to the aquarium goes from the local waters of Plymouth to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.