Donald Rodney (b. 1961, Birmingham, d.1998) will be present in absentia in the form of an autonomous wheelchair he developed as an artwork, Psalms (1997), to attend exhibition openings when he was unable to due to Sickle Cell Anaemia. Incorporating a neural network, the chair would wander through the gallery intent on pursuing its own path, only to be ignored or interrupted by visitors standing in its way. For The Atlantic Project, the artist’s estate has kindly agreed for Psalms to be brought out of storage so as to enable the artist to be present in Plymouth again, marking his return to the city following his participation in the seminal public art project TSWA Four Cities in 1990.
Council House Adjoining the Civic Centre, the Council House is the seat of local government, providing a number of assembly rooms such as the Lord Mayor’s Parlour and Reception Room as well as the Council Chamber and committee rooms. Opened by the Queen in 1962, the Council House is a prominent example of 1960’s post-war modernist architecture, built from Portland stone and local Plymouth limestone.