Subscribe to the Atlantic Project newsletter for updates and news.
Your contact information will be used to periodically send you information about the Atlantic Project programme, including events, artist commissions and opportunities as well as news about our team and the artists we work with. We may also use it to invite you to give us feedback on our projects; however you are not obliged to participate in any surveys or questionnaires.
The Atlantic Project is part of the University of Plymouth and delivered in partnership with The Box. We also work closely with other arts and community organisations locally and internationally. As such, we may include news from other parties alongside our own information, but only if we think it is relevant.
We will never share your contact information with any third parties, including those listed above, and we will not use your information for any reason other than to send you periodical newsletters. You can easily unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time, using the links at the bottom of each email.
Our newsletter is managed by Mailchimp and your information will be safely stored on their servers. You can find details of how they manage your data in their privacy policy.
You can read the full version of our Privacy Policy here.