Ryoji Ikeda (b. 1966, Gifu) works with sound, electronic media and digital data, reducing them down to their simplest forms, as sine waves and pixels. Out of these basic elements, applying the logic of pure mathematics, he then builds up complex audio-visual compositions, which often take the form of large-scale immersive installations, operating at the intersection of contemporary art and experimental music. For the Atlantic Project, in his first UK site-specific project outside London, Ikeda presents The Radar, mapping the cosmos in a large-scale site-specific installation in the Millennium Building (formerly The Warehouse), a vast empty dancehall on Union Street.
Millennium Building Originally opened in 1931 (as the Gaumont Palace cinema), the former Millennium nightclub (also known as The Warehouse), along with the notorious clubs and bars of Union Street, became a mecca for clubbers across the UK in the 1980s and 90s, before finally closing in August 2004. The building's fluted columns and tiled foyer immediately attracted attention when the Gaumont Palace opened, whilst inside the auditorium a mighty Compton organ had been installed at a cost of over £6,000 which entertained the audiences during intervals.